Wednesday 11 January 2012

Back again

Hi, everyone. First of all, a very happy 2012. Even if you read this in a month's time, this will still be valid !

I've been "off-blog" for a while, for two reasons. One is that it was a holiday period, so I had a break. The other reason is that although I took some photos and worked on them, I got to thinking a lot about the photos I take. What sort of photos, what style, what with, why. Some of these thoughts came from reading pages on Ken Rockwell's site. If you have a look, you'll see what I mean. A lot of what he writes is very thought-provoking, even provocative. About the relative merits of shooting RAW and JPEG files, for example.

One result is that I have revisited photos taken over the Xmas period, before moving on to others I haven't edited yet. Here is one. Winter, no snow, dull day with some light out there somewhere.

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