Thursday 3 January 2013

Wednesday 18 January 2012

No internet, no blog !

I had an internet failure at home, which has now been repaired, but in the meantime I couldn't access the blog from my PC. I've been working on some snow photos, and here is one of them ...........

Friday 13 January 2012

And one WITH snow ......

.... or rather two. I couldn't decide whether to post the B&W version or the colour version, so here they are.

(This one is done with the Orton effect.)

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Back again

Hi, everyone. First of all, a very happy 2012. Even if you read this in a month's time, this will still be valid !

I've been "off-blog" for a while, for two reasons. One is that it was a holiday period, so I had a break. The other reason is that although I took some photos and worked on them, I got to thinking a lot about the photos I take. What sort of photos, what style, what with, why. Some of these thoughts came from reading pages on Ken Rockwell's site. If you have a look, you'll see what I mean. A lot of what he writes is very thought-provoking, even provocative. About the relative merits of shooting RAW and JPEG files, for example.

One result is that I have revisited photos taken over the Xmas period, before moving on to others I haven't edited yet. Here is one. Winter, no snow, dull day with some light out there somewhere.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas photo

No Santa Claus in this one, sorry !


Monday 19 December 2011

And the choo choo station

Again edited with Picturenaut 3, using a filter called Luminance from Banty's Toolkit.

This photo was taken in the autumn. The scheduled steam train trips had stopped by then. In the summer, the platform is packed with visitors. In the background, you can see that the weather was very misty, and it was already quite late in the afternoon, so I was surprised that Picturenaut brought out the subject so clearly. Good programme !

Saturday 17 December 2011

Choo choo

Another Picturenaut HDR experiment - of a Sauschwänzlebahn loco.